PropLUT Class

The PropLUT class is used to create and store a look-up-table (LUT) of propagators for subsequent faster refocusing to multiple depths using the angular spectrum method. An instance of this class is returned by methods such as Holo.make_propagator_LUT().

The propagators are created at instantiation, and then are extracted as required using the propagator() method.


PropLUT(imgSize, wavelength, pixelSize, depthRange, nDepths[, numba = True])

Creates a propagator look up table (LUT) containing angular spectrum propagators for holograms of size imgSize, either an int for square images or tuple of ints for width and height for rectangular images. wavelength and pixelSize are the physical parameters for the hologram, and are specified in the same units as depthRange, a tuple of (min depth, max depth). A total of nDepths propagators will be generated equally specifed within this range (inlcuding the min and max values). The Numba JIT will be used for speed-up by default unless numba = False.


pyholoscope.prop_lut.PropLUT.propagator(self, depth)

Returns the propagator from the LUT which is closest to requested depth. If depth is outside the range of the propagators, function returns None.


refocus depth for requested propagator