Holo Class

The Holo class is the preferred way to access the core functionality of PyHoloscope. The class is generally used by setting various parameters, either by passing them at instantiation or by calling methods, and then by calling the process method to process each raw hologram.

Examples are provided of Inline Holography and Off-Axis Holography in the Github repository. Also see the Inline Holography and Off-Axis Holography getting started pages.


Holo(mode, wavelength, pixelSize, optional arguments)

Intantiation of a Holo object. mode determines the pipeline of processing to apply to images, either PyHoloscope.offaxis or PyHoloscope.inline. wavelength is the light wavelength, pixelSize is the camera pixel size (as projected onto the object plane if magnification is present). wavelength and pixelSize should be in the same units, and the same units must later be used for refocusing distance, if relevant.

There are a large number of additional optional keywords arguments, specified for example as useNumba = True, which are listed below:


  • useNumba : boolean, True to use Numba JIT if available (default = True).

  • cuda : boolean, True to use CUDA for GPU processing if available (default = True).

  • precision : str, 'single' or 'double', determines output precision (default = 'single').

Background and normalisation

These properties control background subtraction and normalisation (flat-fielding).

  • background : 2D numpy array, background hologram. For off-axis holography, this is used to recover relative amplitude and relative phase if relativeAmplitude and relativePhase are True, respectively. For inline holography, the background hologram is subtracted prior to refoucsing, and if it is None there is no background subtraction (default = None).

  • normalise : 2D numpy array, normalisation image used for flat-field correction. If specified, this is used to produce a flat amplitude map prior to refocusing. (default = None).

Numerical refocusing:

These properties control numerical refocusing using the angular spectrum method. Numerical refocusing is always performed when performing inline holography, but must be specified by setting refocus = True for off-axis holography.

  • refocus : boolean, if True and in off-axis mode, numerical refocusing will be performed (refocusing is always performed for inline mode, regardless of this setting) (default = False).

  • depth : float, distance to refocus to in same units as wavelength and pixelSize (default = 0).

  • downsample : float, hologram will be downsampled by this factor before refocusing for improved speed (default = 1, i.e. no downsampling).

Refocus Widowing:

These properties control whether a spatial window is applied before and after numerical refocusing, and the properties of the window.

  • autoWindow : boolean, if True, a spatial cosine window will be created the first time a hologram is refocused, and applied prior to the numerical refocusing. The shape and size of the window are determined by the parameters below. (default = False).

  • postWindow : boolean, if True the window will also be applied after refocusing (default = False).

  • window : 2D numpy array or None, a custom spatial window to use. This must be the same size as the raw hologram (for inline holography) or the demodulated hologram (for off-axis holography). (default = None)

  • windowShape : str, the shape of the automatically generated window, 'circle' or 'square' (default = 'square')

  • windowRadius : int or None, radius of circular window or half-side length of sqaure window. If None, the window will be the same size as the hologram. (default = None)

  • windowThickness : float, thickness of cosine smoothed edge of window in pixels (default = 10).


These properties control the behaviour of the auto focusing methods.

  • findFocusMethod : str, focus metric to use, (default = 'Brenner')

  • findFocusRoi: Roi or None, region of interest to apply focus metric to (default = None)

  • findFocusMargin : int or None, margin around findFocusRoi to refocus. If None, the whole image is refocused during focus search (default = None).

  • findFocusCoarseSearchInterval : int or None, if specified, a coarse focus search will be performed at a this number of positions (default = None)

  • findFocusDepthRange : (float, float), depth range to search between (default = (0,1))

Off-axis demodulation:

These properties control the behaviour of the demodulation step of off-axis holography.

  • cropCentre : (int, int), location of modulation peak in FFT (default = None)

  • cropRadius : (int) or (int, int), semi-diameter of region to crop around modulation peak. Provide a single value for a square and a tuple of (w,h) for a rectange. (default = None)

  • returnFFT : boolean, if True process will return a tuple of the demodulated hologram and the FFT. (default = False)

  • cropMask : (default = None)

  • customCropWindow : 2D numpy array or None, a custom mask to apply to the cropped region. Must be same size as cropped region, as determined by cropRadius. (default = None)

  • cropWindowSkinThickness : float or (float, float), if using a cosine window, this is the thickness of the smootheed edge. If a tuple if provided, the horizontal and vertical sides can have different thickness. (default = 10)


These properties control the phase part of the returned complex reconstruction.

  • relativeAmplitude : boolean, if True then for off-axis holography, if a 2D numpy array was provided in background, the returned reconstruction will have an amplitude relative to the background hologram amplitude (default = False).

  • relativePhase : boolean, if True then for off-axis holography, if a 2D numpy array was provided in background, the returned reconstruction will have a phase map which is relative to the background hologram phase map (default = False).

  • stablePhase : boolean, if True, then for off-axis holography, if a ROI is provided in stableROI, then the returned reconstruction will have a phase relative to the average phase in the ROI (default = False).

  • stableROI : Roi, a region of interest used for stable phase (default = None)


  • invert : boolean, if True, output image is brightness inverted (default = False)



Apply the current window to a hologram img and return the windowed hologram as a 2D numpy array.


Detect and store the modulation parameters for off-axis demodulation.

auto_focus(img, [optional arguments]):

A more heavily customisable auto-focus, for most purposes used find_focus instead.


Determines the modulation frequency and crop radius for off-axis holgraphy using hologram, a 2D numpy array, and stores the results internally for when process() is called.


Remove a previously set background, equivalent to calling set_background(None).


Deletes a previously created look up table (LUT) of propagators.

depth_stack(img, depthRange, nDepths)

Create a depth stack of refocused images from a hologram img (either an inline hologram or a demodulated off-axis hologram) using current parameters, producing a set of nDepths refocused images. depthRange is a tuple of (min depth, max depth). Returns an instance of the class RefocusStack. To refocus to this depth, set this as the new depth using set_depth.


Automatically finds the best focus position for hologram img using parameters defined using set_find_focus_parameters. Returns the depth of best focus.

make_propagator_LUT(depthRange, nDepths)

Creates a LUT of propagators for faster finding of focus of a range of depths. nDepths is the number of propagators to generate, and depthRange is a tuple defining the minimum and maximum depths to generate for.


Performs off-axis demodulation of a background hologram which has been provided via set_background.


Process an image img using the currently selected options. Returns the processed image as 2D complex Numpy array.


Sets whether a window will be created and applied prior to refocusing if one has not been specified. autoWindow is a Boolean.


Set the background image. Pass None to remove an existing background.


Set the depth for numerical refocusing. depth should be in the same units as wavelength and pixelSize.


Set the downsampling factor. The holograms will be spatially downsampled by this factor. This will cause the propagator to be recreated when next needed, call update_propagator to force this immediately.

set_find_focus_parameters([method = 'Brenner', depthRange = (0, 0.1), roi = None, margin = None, coarseSearchInterval = None])

Sets the parameters used by the find_focus method. See automatic depth determination for details.


Set the location of the modulation frequency in frequency domain. centre is is a tuple of the (x,y) location of the modulation peak in the FFT of the hologram.


Set the size of the region to extract in frequency domain for off-axis demodulation. radius is half the length of the side of a square around the modulation peak in the FFT of the hologram.

set_off_axis_mod(cropCentre, cropRadius)

Sets the location of the frequency domain position for off-axis modulation. cropCentre is a tuple of the location of the modulation peak in the FFT of the hologram, cropRadius is the half the side length of a square around the modulation peak that will be used to generate the demodulated image.


Sets the numerical precision to use internally, either ‘single’ (defualt) or ‘double’.


Set the physical size of pixels in the raw hologram


If returnFFT is True the FFT rather than the reconstructed image will be returned when performing off-axis holography.


Sets the location of the ROI used for maintaining a constant background phase, i.e. this should be a background region of the image. roi should be an instance of the Roi class.


Sets whether to use GPU if available, pass true to use GPU (default) or false to not use GPU.


Sets whether to use Numba JIT if available, pass true to use Numba if available (defuault) or false to not use Numba.


Set the wavelength of the hologram.

set_window(img, radius, thickness[, shape = 'square'])

Sets a cosine window used for pre and post processing to reduce edge artefacts. img is a 2D numpy array which is either the hologram or any numpy array of the same size as the hologram, radius is the the size of the window and thickess determines the distance over which the window tapers from 0 to 1. By defualt the window is square, pass shape = 'circle' to generate a circular window.


Sets the radius of the cropping window.


Sets the edge thickness of the cropping window.


Create or re-create the angular spectrum propagator using current parameters.